Custom NFC Labels
What is NFC? NFC is an abbreviation for ‘near field communication’.
The NFC technology is used to scan food products and items that are close within your reach, when a NFC compatible phone is within 10cm of the NFC tag it emits data using an electromagnetic radio field.
NFC does not need a power source or battery to send signals.
The NFC label or tag can hold about 96 – 4,096 bytes of storage depending on the label printer who produced the label tags.
The technology has now been added inside stickers and labels so that any product with a custom label or product label can be scanned for more detailed information.
Apple iPhones
Apple started making NFC phones in 2014, so any iPhone 6 or higher has the capability to scan and read NFC labels with a third-party app. Only the iPhone 11, 11 Pro, and 11 Pro Max support NFC scans from the home screen and do not require a third party app NFC scanner.
Android Phones
Android began making NFC phones in the early 2000’s, and do not need a third party NFC app scanner. Android can read NFC labels at any moment if the phone in unlocked.
What is the Advantage to NFC Labels?
When you scan the NFC product label with your phone it will provide you with custom information that is specific to that product.
The custom results will provide information such as the batch number it is, view label results that confirm potency and ingredients, read unique background information about the company and more. The possibilities for letting the end user see information about how their product was made, where it came from, and when will be the new trend going forward after 2020 for NFC custom labels.
NFC Marijuana Labels
For example if you scan a NFC marijuana label it could show you the batch number, lab report, the farm it came from, when it was planted, and when it was harvested.
But how do you connect your website with the NFC label to see when a customer scans your product label?
At this current moment, the answer is you will need to embed your business website URL into the NFC label yourself, or use a third-party company to help assist with this.
Since 2007, Blue Bite has been transforming the way consumers interact with the world by connecting digital information to physical products.
But NFC might be well known for Apply Pay and Google wallet, which also use NFC. Every time you tap your phone to pay for something at the store, you are using NFC technology.
NFC now makes it easier for consumers to pay with their phone in a second, and not reach for their debit card in their wallet or purse.
Passive NFC vs Active NFC
When NFC was first released many phones could only read the data on the label, but now years later many phones and labels are made with ‘active nfc’ which allows both reading and writing of data to the product label.
Types of NFC labels
There are 5 different types of NFC labels and tags. Type 1 is for the least amount of storage, and slower transfer speeds. Type 4 is for the faster transfer speeds and 32kb of memory. Type 5 has slower transfer speeds than type 4, but has 64kb of memory.